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Warning : Since these softwares are still in development, they are not well tested. Make certain that you do not rely on them to actually reproduce your data faithfully. I cannot take any responsibility for any damage caused by these softwares. You should use them at your own risk. Besides, different versions of these softwares are not cross-compatible. It means that a file compressed with a given version of Zzip/Zzlib may not be uncompressed with a different (newer or older) version.


Currently Zzip is free (released under the GNU LGPL), here is a list of its features :
- great compression ratio and good decompression speed
- build/extract/test/list archive files
- built-in multimedia detection/compression
- number of files in one operation is only limited by available memory
- support for file attributes and file date/time stamps
- support for file integrity tests (CRC-32 checksums)
- support for win95 long filenames
- self-extracting archive (.exe file)

You can download the source code (released under the GNU LGPL) here :
v0.36c : zzip-zzlib-src.zip (70kb)

You can download a binary here :
v0.36c - Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - x86 : zzip-win32.zip (25kb)
v0.36b - Solaris - SPARC : zzip-sparc.tar.gz (25kb)
v0.36b - Linux - x86 : zzip-linux.tar.gz (25kb)


Currently Zzlib is free (released under the GNU LGPL), you can distribute it with your program. This library enables you to use Zzip algorithm in one of your program. It contains functions to build/extract/list/test Zzip archives.

You can download the source code (released under the GNU LGPL) here :
v0.36c : zzip-zzlib-src.zip (70kb)

You can download the library here :
v0.36c - Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - x86 : zzlib-dll.zip

You can also download an example made with Zzlib :
Win9x/NT/2000 - x86 : dlltest.zip